Thursday, November 16, 2023

Awards and more awards

In the last week, I was excited to learn that some of my books were chosen for a couple of awards. I can't lie--validation like this is food for my soul. When complete strangers pick your work out of hundreds of entries as something worthy of recognition, it's a nice feeling.

The two different organizations that contacted me are the Best Book Awards (BBA), and indieBRAG (Book Readers Appreciation Group). I urge you to visit their websites to find other award-winning books ( and Here are the books that they honored:

The 20th Annual "Best Book" Awards
Sponsored by American Book Fest™

The Defense of the Commonwealth by John J. Spearman

Independently Published


Fiction: Science Fiction

FitzDuncan by John J. Spearman

Independently Published

Fiction: Fantasy

B.R.A.G. Medallion Honorees

We are proud to announce that THE DEFENSE OF THE COMMONWEALTH by John Spearman has been honored with the B.R.A.G. Medallion (Book Readers Appreciation Group). It now joins the very select award-winning, reader-recommended books at indieBRAG.

We are proud to announce that PIKE'S POTENTIAL (Sandy Pike #1) by John Spearman has been honored with the B.R.A.G. Medallion (Book Readers Appreciation Group). It now joins the very select award-winning, reader-recommended books at indieBRAG.

We are proud to announce that FITZDUNCAN (FitzDuncan #1) by John Spearman has been honored with the B.R.A.G. Medallion (Book Readers Appreciation Group). It now joins the very select award-winning, reader-recommended books at indieBRAG.

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