Monday, October 3, 2022

The Defense of the Commonwealth and FitzDuncan's Gambit

 The Defense of the Commonwealth, the first book of a new series featuring a heroine named Perseverance Andrews, is complete and will release on October 15. The book takes place in the same universe as the Jonah Halberd series, roughly 350 years earlier. It begins with an account of how the Inter-Planetary Commonwealth formed.  From there, it shifts to the story of Perseverance Andrews and her exploits in a war between the Commonwealth and two opponents--the Rodinan Federation and the Chinese Republics. Things begin poorly for the Royal Navy, as they are set on their heels in the opening battles of the conflict. Perseverance is one of only a very few to survive the initial action and finds herself acclaimed as a hero. As with the Halberd books, politics and romance play as important a role as the battles in space.

I am also pleased to inform you that the fifth book in the FitzDuncan series, FitzDuncan's Gambit, is nearing completion. The manuscript is finished and edited. I am waiting on my talented cover artist to work her considerable magic. With any luck, FitzDuncan's Gambit will publish on or before December 1.

In the meantime, I am working on a possible new book in the Sandy Pike universe, a second Perseverance Andrews novel and yet another FitzDuncan. As I get further along, I promise to supply updates.


  1. Hi, I have recently found your Pike and Halberd series and ave really enjoyed them. Unfortunately I won't be carrying on with them as you seem to be leaving the Kindle Unlimited universe. I wish you you all the best and hope that the new model you have chosen for distribution goes really well for you. I have book marked your amazon page and will dive back in if you do decide to start publishing on Kindle Unlimited again.
    All the best

    1. Mike--thank you for reading my other books and for your kind words, I am trying to expand and open up new channels of distribution, as you said. In order to offer the ebook on Kindle Unlimited, I cannot sell the ebook on any other platform. We shall see what happens. I appreciate your support regardless.

    2. Mike--the book is now available on Kindle Unlimited.
